Today EU Research Project RELiEF kicks off to give new life to previously unrecovered Lithium in batteries. By setting up an integrated recycling facility, the consortium of 13 interdisciplinary European partners will provide a solution to greatly reduce Lithium waste and decrease the dependency of the EU on imported chemicals and raw materials for battery production. As TechConcepts, we are proud to be part of the consortium of leading institutes and industry partners in recycling and the European battery ecosystem.
TechConcepts will contribute to the RELiEF project with the development of the Business Model and Exploitation plan, and with the coordination of the stakeholder engagement. For the latter we will organize a “RELiEF road-show” within five European Member States, once the technologies have reached enough maturity. The road-show is meant to enthuse battery recycling eco-systems within Member States about the RELiEF methodology, and to retrieve their input on requirements and barriers to be overcome for successful exploitation of the RELiEF recycling technology across the EU. More information about the RELiEF project can be found in the Press Release, or soon on the project website