EXTENDED kick-off meeting in Brussels

Our project EXTENDED has kicked-off in Brussels about a week ago. We can look back to a great meeting, where presented the Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication work package as leader. […]

PULSELiON 2nd General Assembly meeting

We are looking back on a great meeting for project PULSELiON in Ii in Finland on 19 and 20 April. TechConcepts hosted the fun teambuilding session and we have shot […]

ADVAGEN 1st General Assembly meeting

TechConcepts B.V. participated in the project HE ADVAGEN general assembly meeting last week. We can look back to a great meeting, where we hosted the teambuilding activities. And we organised […]

PRESS RELEASE: project PULSELiON kicks off

Next generation battery manufacturing: PULSELiON – PUlsed Laser depoSition tEchnology for soLid State battery manufacturIng supported by digitalizatiON A consortium of 15 interdisciplinary European partners will develop manufacturing technology for […]

We are part of Horizon Europe project ADVAGEN

Time to elaborate on one more project won by us ?: project ADVAGEN was granted to our consortium! The project will focus on next generation solid-state batteries for electromobility applications. […]

We are part of Horizon Europe project RELiEF

Recycling of battery materials will be key for a successful battery industry in Europe. And TechConcepts will help making that possible. Scientist and industry in Europe are focusing on battery […]